NWSC Policies & Protocols

NWSC Codes of Conduct

NWSC Scholarship Policy and Application

NWSC No Dogs Policy

NWSC has a very strict NO DOGS policy in place for practices and games. While we rent the Ft. Nugent fields for games we have received approval from the city to enforce this policy. NO DOGS are permitted on the fields for practice or games. This is done in an effort to protect the fields, players, spectators and other patrons of the park. 

NWSC Refund Policy

The registration fee will be fully refunded for all requests made prior to the regular registration deadline. No refunds will be made for requests made after the close of registration. All late registrations forfeit their refund.

In the event of extenuating circumstances, the Board of Directors may choose to offer a partial credit towards future registration fees on a case-by-case basis. To be considered, a written request must be provided to NWSC and will be reviewed at the upcoming monthly board meeting following receipt of the request. All requests can be mailed to PO Box 2896 Oak Harbor, WA 98277.

NWSC Inclement Weather and Cancellation Policy

NWSC reserves the right to cancel training sessions and/or games when the temperatures drops below freezing (32 degrees), there is a severe weather warning, a tornado warning, a high wind warning, and/or lightning.  The directors or head referee will always make a decision we feel is in the best interest of the SAFETY of the players, parents and coaches.   Understand these decisions are based on the forecasts which are not always reliable indicators, and we do not make the decision to cancel training sessions or games lightly.  We will always take into consideration field conditions as well as driving conditions to get to the fields.  Our goal is to communicate any cancellations as soon as a decision has been made.  Often we will wait to make a decision in the hope that conditions improve that will permit us to train.  We appreciate your support and understanding when we are faced with making these difficult decisions.

NWSC Lightning Policy

If the fields are open and inclement weather approaches, get off the field and seek shelter. If you see lightning, clear the field. If you hear thunder, clear the field. Play will be halted for a minimum of 30 minutes. If no lightning is spotted during the 30 minutes and/or thunder is heard, play will resume only with the approval of the head referee or Director. If lightning is seen and/or thunder is heard during the 30 minute period, the waiting clock starts over. No play will resume until a minimum of 30 minutes passes with no thunder and/or no lightning. 

Games cancelled by inclement may or may not be rescheduled.

Inclusion Policy

US Soccer 2018-19 Policy Manual Policy 601-5 – Registration of Amateur Players; Section 6

Inclusion Policy (A) To clarify the Bylaws, membership of the Federation is open to all soccer organizations and all soccer players, coaches, trainers, managers, administrators and officials without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or national origin. (B) For the purposes of registration on gender-based amateur teams, a player may register with the gender team with which the player identifies, and confirmation sufficient for guaranteeing access shall be satisfied by documentation or evidence that shows the stated gender is sincerely held, and part of a person’s core identity. Documentation satisfying the herein stated standard includes, but is not limited to, government-issued documentation or documentation prepared by a health care provider, counselor, or other qualified professional not related to the player. (C) This policy shall not apply to the Federation’s National Teams programs, but application of this or a similar policy shall be re-evaluated at such time as FIFA addresses the issue (D) This policy shall not apply to Professional Leagues.

Parents, during the registration process you choose the gender for your child and this can be changed at any time. A nonbinary option will be coming soon. When submitting a player birth certificate for age verification please feel free to black out the gender listed at birth.

NWSC Coach-Player Transportation and Lodging Policy

WA Youth Soccer Gameday Protocols and Safety Plan Winter 2022

NWSC Anti-Bullying Policy


Island County COVID Information