How does the club run, and the board function?

Questions about how the club operates, and how the board functions, can easily be answered by reading our bylaws in NWSC Documents.

How much does Recreational Soccer cost?
What are the dates of each rec ‘season’?

NWSC has two seasons each year, fall and spring.  Our seasonal year starts with the Fall season and ends with the Spring season.

Fall: Registration begins in June and ends mid-July.  Practices usually begin mid-late August, and games beginning in September, following the start of school.  This is typically an 8 game season, or 7 games with the last weekend being a tournament/jamboree.

Spring: Registration typically begins in early January and ends mid-late February. Practices usually begin late March or early April and games begin in mid-April and end with the completion of the school year in mid-June. This is typically a 7-8 game season with the last weekend being a tournament.

What is the end of season rec tournament?

In Spring 2022, NWSC decided to begin to bring back the end of season rec tournament that had not occurred in several years due to lack of able bodies to run it.  This first tournament will be for ages U10 and up and will help the club determine if a tournament is doable for all age groups in Fall 2022 and beyond. Each team that wins their age group will receive trophies and recognition on the NWSC website.  This tournament is meant to be fun and give the players a little more competition at the end of the season. 

How are the age ranges determined?

Age groups are based on the ‘seasonal year’ which starts in the fall and ends the next spring. The age group that a player plays in for a ‘seasonal year’ is determined by that player’s age as of December 31st of the seasonal year. Your player will play the entire ‘seasonal year’ in the age group determined by our December 31st cutoff date.

Example: A child who is age 5 on December 31, 2018 is considered “U6” for the seasonal year which is Fall 2018 and Spring 2019.  A child who turns 6 on January 1 of the seasonal year is also U6 because he was 5 on December 31. This player will always be one of the oldest in his age group.

Link to birth year calender

What are the registration procedures?

Registration is typically open for 5-7weeks. In order to start the season with uniforms and equipment for every player and a schedule for every team, we must know at least 5 weeks prior to Opening Day how many teams we have in each age division and how many players are on each team. Before these details can be determined, though, we must have a coach for every team since we cannot form a team without a coach to run it. Additionally, most coaches like to get in at least a week’s worth of practices before the season starts. For these reasons, we must be firm on our registration deadlines.

What is the refund policy?

The registration fee for rec soccer will be fully refunded for all requests made prior to the regular registration deadline. No refunds will be made for requests made after the close of registration. All late registrations forfeit their refund.

In the event of extenuating circumstances, the Board of Directors may choose to offer a partial credit towards future registration fees on a case-by-case basis. To be considered, a written request must be provided to NWSC and will be reviewed at the upcoming monthly board meeting following receipt of the request. All requests can be mailed to PO Box 2896 Oak Harbor, WA 98277.

The registration fee for Academy soccer programming will be fully refunded provided all requests are made 48 hours prior to the individual’s first class of the month. 

What is Team Snap?

From team chat, last minute alerts and scheduling – to assignments and real-time game sharing, Team Snap makes communication easy.  This tool is provided so that coaches can keep in touch with their players and the club can post important updates and alerts.  Each family will be sent a link to join their team before each season opens.

When will I hear from my player’s coach?

Once teams have been formed and each team has a coach assigned to it, coaches will be given their rosters so they can begin making contact with their players and scheduling practices. Some coaches will do this sooner than others, so please do not feel that your child has been left out if you do not hear from his or her coach on the same day as another team’s player hears from his. Players can expect to be contacted no later than the Monday before Opening Day. If you have not heard from your child’s coach by then, please email the Director of Coaching at [email protected].

What kind of credentials should I expect my coach or club board members to have?

All club recreational coaches are offered Grassroots training through WA Youth Soccer and reimbursed for the class.  We do not require this training; however, coaches are highly encouraged to take advantage of this training. 

Club select coaches are not required to have a specific license, but they do need to have more extensive experience playing/coaching the game of soccer.  The club encourages all select coaches to obtain at least a D license and coaches are reimbursed for this expense. Obtaining a license is not a guarantee of a coaching offer.

Per WA Youth Soccer, club board members, including the Director of Coaching, the Director of Recreational Soccer and the Director of Competition are not required to have certain credentials.  Each prospective board member is interviewed and voted onto the board on a case-by-case basis.

Rules specific to age groups
How are practice days/times determined?

Practice day & times are left to the discretion of our coaches.  The club will provide a list of approved practice locations each season.  No teams are allowed to practice on the fields at Ft. Nugent.  We are very grateful for the time and energy our coaches put in for the club, for they have their own busy lives, family considerations, and work schedules. So, although we provide practice schedule “guidelines,” not every coach can be available during the times suggested. Consequently, coaches will schedule their team practices on days and at times that work for them. Prior to registration and team placement, there is no way to predict or guarantee that a player will have practices at a certain time or on certain days.

What if I have a complaint?

North Whidbey Soccer Club values our players, families, coaches and sponsors.  If you encounter an issue that you are not able to resolve on your own or that you feel the club needs to be aware of, we ask you to please submit your complaint on our online feedback form.  Complaints are received by the Vice President and the Registrar, and subsequently sent to the appropriate director to review and assist in resolving the complaint/concern.  If they are not able to resolve the issue themselves, the Executive Board made up of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Registrar will convene to discuss further action.  If an investigation needs to happen, only the Executive Board and the board director the complaint pertains to will be privy to any information about the investigation. 

While we understand that sometimes you would like to remain anonymous when filing a complaint, providing contact information will allow the board to take appropriate action in resolving the matter, while also providing you feedback. 

 Complaint/Feedback Form